Monday, February 6, 2012

Today consisted of driving around town with my sweet friend Suzie (she lived overseas herself) who brought to my attention some suggestions for overseas packing, thus sent us out on a goose hunt! Our hunt was for a large duffle bag that could easily conform to the various size spaces I could  be placing it. We finally found one at Dick's Sporting Goods for a great price, and as my mother said " You could fit a human in that!" After that excursion, I spent over an hour in the Social Security Federal Office to replace my lost one! Yikes, I was glad I was able to answer the security question they gave me...after swearing under oath I was who I was claiming I was, I assume it wouldn't of ended well had I forgotten my mother's maiden name!

As I look ahead to 9 days from now being the day I say goodbye to life and loved ones here, I'm still remotely distracted by the emotion that comes with having a butt load of things to still get done in that period of time! One being, surviving another date in the Dentist chair, a couple shots, and cleaning out my entire room...and by cleaning I mean...Clearing out. My mom is going to finally get a Bonus room for her guests! :)

Let me tell you what happened two days ago, because it is one of many days in my life that I know I will never forget. I was completely humbled and overwhelmed by the supportive faces that gathered around me iat my Sending away Prayer breakfast thrown for me by friends and family. Some memories of that day I will always cherish are...

Singing Orphans of God with Sola De Gloria ( And knowing what a blessing singing with them, and getting to know them, had been over the past year)
Eating Cheese biscuits that I knew were made in the kitchen of of two people who's house became a home away from home every Thursday evening. A place where I always knew complete acceptance, genuine interest in my day's events or whatever was on my heart, warmth, advice, prayers, laughs, and yummy food. The Ferrells biscuits made in that same kitchen, was a special memory.
Hearing my big brother pray for me
Not having the strength to speak through my tears and having my dad step up to encircle me and to take over
Being able to thank numerous people who invested in my life over the years, educationally ( Mrs.Thimson tutored me for free...for years) spiritually, and financially ( past missions trips).
Having the host serve my favorite juice without me having told her what it was! Grape Juice :)
Hearing 30 voices sitting round in a circle, raised in worship to our Lord, singing a favorite-I surrender
Hugging a friend who has been in my life since we were 8 and knowing that true friendship sticks closer than a the word tells us. As life has moved on one thing that has been such a heartbreak at times has been the loss of friends, be it because of time, distance or different paths, which is why it made in that moment her friendships which has gone the distance...all the more a blessing.
Hearing my little sister pray for me, and thank the Lord for, I will ever forget her saying those words
Having a woman of God who has walked with the Lord for 40+ faithful years, give me a music box that had been her aunts who was a teacher and a missionary, to encourage and remind me "on days you feel alone" that I am prayed for, and loved. -- I still am speechless and cannot look at the music box without tearing up. OH, and they had my favorite flower (stairgazer lillies) painted on the front of the box. What a memory.
Hearing so many saints of the faith pray over me...and knowing that whatever I will face while on the Field, will be nothing that the Lord has not seen fit for me to bare.

All in All, Feb 4th 2012 will be a day that I will bring to mind on rainy days, or moments when I will feel alone, am doubting, or missing home. I never will deserve the people who the Lord has put in my life. My cup runneth over.

I wanted to post a song that I heard today...and it touched my heart after the long day of running around, lists, and long waits in an overcrowded, stuffy room.

 I thought it might be in my name a shining legacy
I thought it might be in a goal for success to follow me
I thought it might be in a plan to sail across the seas
But I didn't find what I really need


I found it all when I lost everything
And gave my life to serve a risen king
I found the truth that I'd been searching for
I found it all when I found the Lord

Verse 2:

I'm letting go of all my ways I think are best for me
I'm laying down all my ideas of what I think my life should be
I'm leaving everything I am right at Jesus' feet
For it's here I find everything I need

-The Collinsworth Family ( I found it all) Look it up on youtube! They are such an amazing Group!

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